What Is the Strongest Beer in the World? Taste the Intensity

Getting an original beer with a higher alcohol content can be tricky.  This is especially true if you are new to beer and want something substantial to entertain your guests. Now that I am familiar with strong beer brands, I will answer your question, “What is the strongest beer in the world?”

What Is the Strongest Beer in the World?

The strongest beer in the world is Brewmeister Snake Venom, with a whopping alcohol content of 67.5% ABV. Snake Venom beer is a Scottish beer brewed by Keith Brewery LTD in Keith, Moray (formerly Brewmeister). The beer is brewed from smoked peated malt, plus two varieties of yeast, one for beer and the other for champagne, that increases its alcohol content. 

The beer is then frozen severally after the fermentation process. This helps to concentrate the flavor, alcohol, and body since water is removed each time. It is then supplemented with more alcohol to increase its strength. This results in a strong, viscous, and intensely flavored beer that should be consumed moderately.

The good thing about this beer is that the manufacturer has taken a bold step to caution the consumers. It has a warning label: “The beer is not for the faint-hearted.” The label further instructs the users not to consume more than 35ml in one sitting due to its spirit-like nature(high alcohol content). 

The Strongest Beer in the World

Other Strong Beers in the World

We can all agree that competition is good because it allows consumers to choose what suits their tastes and preferences. That is why, besides having Snake Venom beer as one of the strongest beers in the world, we also have other brands that allow consumers to choose what they want. So, which are these other beers keeping Snake Venom on its toes?

Brewmeister Armageddon

Brewmeister Armageddon was the reigning champion before the introduction of Brewmeister Snake Venom. The beer is also brewed by the Scottish brewing company Brewmeister and has an alcohol content of 65%ABV. It is the second strongest beer in the world and should be consumed in moderation.

The brewer uses special ingredients, such as crystal malt, flaked oats, and 100% Scottish spring water, to ensure perfect taste. The brewing process of this beer is quite different from the normal beer since it is brewed at freezing temperatures to bring up the alcohol content. The brewers also use selected yeast strains that increase the ABV and enhance quality.

Brewmeister Armageddon has a lot of flavors that will definitely meet your taste. The beer is malty and hoppy, plus a slightly sweet finish that will leave you wanting more. Note that the beer is very strong; even smelling it for a minute can make you feel high.

The beer is also an excellent companion to various foods. It pairs well with handy and flavorful dishes such as grilled meat, blue cheese, fish, or chocolate desserts. You can purchase Brewmeister Armageddon at liquor stores, bars, or online stores.

  • Origin: Armageddon, Scotland
  • Brewing Company: Keith Brewery LTD (Brewmeister)
  • ABV: 65%
  • Style:  Eisbock
  • Food Pairing: Chocolate desserts, blue cheese and grilled Steak

Koelschip Start the Future

Koelschip Start the Future is another strong beer that can knock you down in a minute if you don’t consume it in moderation. It is the third strongest beer globally, with a whopping alcohol content of 60%ABV. Koelschip Start the Future is a pale yellow beer with pepper and a soapy flavor.

Like others on the list, this beer is crafted from special ingredients to ensure the alcohol content remains high. For instance, the brewers use malted barley, wheat, aged hops, and freshwater to ensure the beer retains its ABV and taste.

Regarding food pairing, Koelschip Start the Future also pairs well with grilled meat, chocolate desserts, fish, burgers, and pizza. The beer is available in bars, local liquor stores, supermarkets, and online stores. Don’t visit the stores to buy this beer if you are underage because you can find yourself colliding with the authorities.

The Strongest Beer in the World
  • Origin: Netherlands
  • Brewing Company: Koelschip Brewing Company
  • ABV: 60%
  • Style: Eisbock
  • Food Pairing: Grilled meat, fish, burger, chocolate desserts, and pizza

Brewdog and Schorschbräu Strength in Numbers

Brewdog and Schorschbräu Strength in Numbers is another strong beer brewed by two companies: Brewdog in Scotland and Schorschbräu in Germany. The companies decided to collaborate when brewing this beer to set aside their rivalry. With a whopping 57.8%ABV, Brewdog and Schorschbräu Strength in Numbers is the fourth strongest beer globally.

The beer follows a brewing process similar to Snake Venom beer, which involves freezing the beer to remove the chunks of ice. Removing the chunks of ice leaves behind a highly concentrated ABV liquid. Regarding taste, the beer has a complex and tasty flavor accompanied by notes of dark chocolate and molasses.

If you are a beer enthusiast who prefers pairing beer with other foods, you will get it right with Brewdog and Schorschbräu Strength in Numbers. This beer perfectly pairs with flavorful dishes such as grilled steak, burgers, seafood, and chocolate desserts. You can also find it at liquor stores, supermarkets, bars, and online stores.

  • Origin: German and  Scottland
  • Brewing Company: Schorschbräu and Brewdog
  • ABV: 57.8%
  • Style: Eisbock
  • Food Pairing: Chocolate desserts, grilled steak, burgers, and seafood.
The Strongest Beer in the World

Schorschbrau Schorschbock 57

Schorschbrau Schorschbock 57 is another strong beer brewed by Schorschbrau and has an alcohol content of 57%ABV. Like other strong beers, Schorschbrau is crafted from special ingredients and unique techniques to ensure a strong ABV. Some of the ingredients the company uses include special strains of yeast, malted barley, hops, and wheat.

When it comes to taste, this beer has more than enough to offer. The beer has a lacy tan head, bearing a  rich bouquet full of fine cognac, accompanied by the taste of black cherry, raisin, and walnut. You can also chase it with soft drinks like soda or orange juice to create the desired flavor.

Like other strong beers on the list, this one also pairs well with various foods. This helps complement its taste and curb its strength if you don’t want to get drunk too much. Examples of food you can pair with Schorschbrau include grilled meat, seafood, burgers, and desserts. The beer is available in supermarkets, online stores, bars and restaurants.

  • Origin: German
  • Brewing Company: Schorschbrau
  • ABV: 57%
  • Style: Eisbock
  • Food pairing: Grilled meat, seafood, burgers, and chocolate desserts.

How Do You Increase the Alcohol Content of Beer?

Are you a homebrewer or beer lover and want to ensure you enjoy a drink with high ABV? If so, then we’ve got you covered. There are techniques brewers use to increase beer potency, and we will help you master them.  Here are some of the techniques:

  • Adjust the temperatures: Ensure the temperature in your fermentation chamber is ideal for the yeast to eat the sugars. Maintain a low temperature during mashing. A too hot temperature may make your yeast sluggish, hindering it from working appropriately. A suitable temperature is 152°F.
  • Add malt extract: This is another way of increasing the ABV, as malt extract contains sugar that yeast can work on to produce the alcohol. There are three types of malt extract: hopped, dry, and liquid. All work well.
  • Add Yeast: Yeast is what eats sugar during the fermentation to produce alcohol and carbon dioxide. So, to increase the alcohol in your beer, you can add a small amount of yeast to consume all the sugars.
  • Add yeast nutrients: Yeast nutrients include minerals and vitamins the yeast needs to work, survive, and proliferate. Consider adding yeast nutrients to help increase the beer’s alcohol content.
  • Add brewers’ crystals: Brewers’ crystals are made from corn syrup and work almost the same as malt extracts. They speed up yeast consumption to produce a potent beer.
  • Adjust the time: Adjusting the time means you should leave your beer to ferment for longer. This gives yeast more time to consume all sugars in the wort and increase the ABV of beer beer.
The Strongest Beer in the World?

Related Questions

What Alcohol Is Stronger Than Beer?

Hard liquor or distilled spirits are stronger than beer in terms of ABV. A standard spirit has an alcohol of 35% to 40%, whereas a pint of beer is often around 5% ABV and a glass of wine is 11%.

Which Beer Is Good for the Liver?

A pale ale is the best beer to protect your liver. Generally, most beers are good for the liver since they are infused with hops. Studies show that hops can mitigate the negative effects of alcohol on the liver as it contains anti-inflammatory properties. The only thing you should do is to drink beer in moderation.

Is There a 3% Alcohol Beer?

Yes, there is a beer that has 3%ABV, and it is known as Goose Island’s So-Lo. Its low potency is ideal for those who want to drink a lighter beer with less ABV. So, if you want to enter the beer world, consider consuming Goose Island’s So-Lo.


Beer has been in the world since time immemorial, and each day, brewers are developing different techniques to enhance its quality and potency. A recent development is brewing beer with high alcohol content, such as Snake Venom, Brewmeister Armageddon, Koelschip Start the Future, and others. Always drink these beers moderately to avoid negative effects on your body.