Mead vs Beer: Which Tasty Brew Will You Love?

Mead vs Beer? Embarking on the world of fermented beverages, the age-old debate brews on. As a seasoned homebrewer, I have navigated the flavors, complexities, and distinct charms of both. Join me on this liquid journey as we uncork the unique characteristics that define the realms of mead and beer.

Mead vs Beer Overview

Mead and beer are well-known beverages globally and for a good reason. These two drinks are a source of joy as they unite people and create a sense of community. While both share a common ancestry, they also have differences worth noting. Mead, a honey-based brew, carries a rich historical legacy, while beer, crafted from grains, boasts diverse styles.

Each has advantages and disadvantages, allowing you to choose one that suits your preference. Therefore, if you are a newbie or a seasoned consumer of the two, you should fully familiarize yourself with the drinks to make an informed decision. 

What is Mead?

Mead, sometimes called “honey wine,” is an alcoholic beverage fermented using honey, water, and yeast. Its main ingredient, honey, provides sugars consumed by yeast to produce alcohol and carbon dioxide. 

To brew mead, fermentation must occur, where yeast consumes the sugar in the honey to convert it into alcohol and carbon dioxide. The process begins by heating honey to make it more fluid. Water is also heated to kill germs and other bacteria that could impact the final flavor. Heating water also helps extract flavors and optimize enzymatic activities during fermentation.

Mead vs beer

The heated water and honey are then cooled to optimal temperature(ideal for yeast to work on the honey sugar). The ideal temperature for yeast to work well is between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit.  

After yeast is added, fermentation occurs in a tight vessel(a carboy is ideal). This usually lasts for about two weeks. However, this can vary depending on various factors, such as the temperature, quality of honey, or yeast selection. After two weeks, the mead is racked into a conditioning vessel and left to age for 3 to 6 months.

Pros of Mead

  • The use of natural ingredients, such as honey, is ideal for health-conscious people 
  • Mead making offers flexibility, allowing the brewers to infuse this favorite drink with various flavors. For instance, a brewer can add chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry, catering to various palates.
  • Honey found in mead is rich in antioxidants, ideal for protecting against oxidative stress.
  • Some studies suggest honey has anti-inflammatory effects. This helps contribute to the general well-being of your body.

Cons of Mead

  • Mead production consumes more time. Therefore, if you want to venture into mead production, you must stay patient, as fermentation and aging consume more time.
  • The main ingredient, honey, can be very expensive, leading to an overall increased cost of producing mead.
  • Maintaining the same high-quality mead can be challenging as different factors, such as yeast selection or fermentation temperature, may affect production.

What is Beer?

Beer is an alcoholic beverage crafted from water, malted barley, hops, and yeast. Malted barley provides sugars, hops add bitterness and aroma, and yeast ferments sugars into alcohol and carbonation. Beer comes in various styles, such lagers or ales. The styles showcase diverse flavors and aromas shaped by different brewing techniques and ingredients.

Mead vs beer

The beer brewing process begins with malting, where malted barley is germinated, dried, and then mashed. The mashing of barley is an essential activity in brewing. It provides fermentable sugars that yeast will work on to produce alcohol and carbon dioxide.

After mashing malted barley, the extracted fermentable sugar is mixed with water to create wort, which is then boiled. Boiling wort helps sterielize it and also ensures full extraction of flavors. The flavors come from adjuncts such as fruits or spices. The wort is then cooled rapidly, followed by pitching yeast.

Immediately after pitching, the beer is allowed to ferment for about two weeks, followed by conditioning. Conditioning allows the flavors to blend. The final steps involve filtration, carbonation and packaging.

Pros of Beer

  • The beer brewing process allows for an extensive range of styles. This makes it for beer lovers to to choose one that suits their taste.
  • Beer can be paired with various foods to complement its taste. It can be paired with chicken, burger, fish, or roasted meat.
  • Moderate consumption of beer has health benefits to your body. A study shows that drinking one beer daily can positively affect gut microbes, reducing chronic diseases.
  • Beer acts as a social lubricant, as it helps bring people together.

Cons of Beer

  • Most beers have high-calorie, which can potentially enhance weight gain if consumed excessively
  • Beer contains hops, which contributes to its bitterness. Other beer lovers may not like this bitterness.
  • Excessive consumption of beer can have a negative impact on your health. For instance, excessive consumption of beer can lead to high blood pressure or heart disease.

Comparison Between Mead and Beer

Mead and beer have some similarities and differences worth noting. Understanding these similarities and differences is ideal since you can make an informed decision when you want to enjoy one.


  • Both undergo fermentation, where yeast converts the fermentable sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide.
  • Both use water as a base during the brewing process.
  • Both are beneficial to the body when consumed responsibly. For instance, honey in mead is rich in antioxidants, which helps protect against oxidative stress. Beer also contains vitamins and minerals, which are essential to the body.
  • Both can be harmful to the body when consumed in excess.
  • Both can be paired with various foods to complement their taste. You can pair both drinks with meat, chicken or burger.
  • Both require proper hygiene during fermentation to avoid introducing bacteria that could interfere with the quality of the final product.
mead vs beer


  • Mead is primarily crafted from honey, while beer is made from malted barley
  • Beer contains hops that introduce bitterness to balance the sweetness from the wort, while mead does not have hops.
  • Mead has a wide range of alcohol content, ranging from 7% to 20%ABV, while most beers have an alcohol range of 3.5% to 10% ABV
  • The flavor of mead can range from sweet to dry, while beer has a hoppy bitterness or malty sweetness.

The Major Distinguishing Factor

The primary distinguishing factor between mead and beer is the main ingredient used during brewing. Mead primarily relies on honey to provide fermentable sugars that yeast can work on to produce alcohol. On the other hand, beer relies on malted barley to provide fermentable sugars.

When to Consume Mead

The best time to consume mead is when you want an alcoholic beverage that is crafted from natural ingredients. Besides offering a delightful taste, the raw honey also contains vitamins and anti-inflammatory properties that are good for health-conscious people. 

You may also want to drink mead if you want a beverage with a wide range of alcoholic content. Mead has an alcohol range of 7% to 20%ABV, making it easy to choose the ABV that suits your preference.

When to Consume Beer

The best time to consume beer is when you want an alcoholic beverage with a wide range of flavors. Beer can be infused with various flavors, such as citrus, fruits, herbs, chocolate, coffee, or wood-aged nuances. This allows you to choose a flavor that suits your taste.

You will also want to drink beer when mindful of the low alcoholic range. Most beers have an alcoholic range of 3.5% to 10%ABV, which could be ideal for people who don’t want to get drunk fast.

Which is Better: Mead vs Beer

The better option between the two is beer. Beer is better because it is readily available and comes in various styles, such as lagers, ales, stouts, and IPAs, catering to diverse preferences. Beer also has a long-established global presence, offering a rich cultural experience. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is Beer More Popular Than Mead?

The popularity of beer is attributed to the ease of production compared to mead. Mead is crafted mainly from honey, which may be hard to get(can also be expensive). Honey is also difficult to ferment, as the yeast used to ferment mead is difficult to manage and requires a specific temperature.

Can You Pair Mead With Any Food?

Yes, you can pair mead with various foods to complement its taste. For instance, you can pair mead with salty snacks, such as artisan crisps, roasted nuts, or olives. You can also complement the mead’s taste with seafood, like fish. For dessert, take mead with shucked oyster or Roasted strawberry crumble.

Can You Add Hops to Mead?

Yes, you can add hops to the mead to help balance the sweetness from the honey. Adding hops also helps complement the aroma and flavor of the mead The best way to add hops to your mead is to boil it in a separate container and then add it to your mead before fermentation begins.


Mead and beer are great alcoholic drinks, and for a good reason. Mead, with its honey-based richness, appeals to those seeking unique, historical flavors. Beer, diverse in styles and widely accessible, caters to a broader audience. Each offers a distinct experience, adding vibrancy to the world of fermented beverages.