How to Keep a Keg Cold: Expert Cooling Strategies

Keeping a keg cold is essential for maintaining your beer’s quality and taste. Whether you are hosting a party or operating a bar, it’s vital to ensure the keg remains cold to prevent spoilage. We will help you understand how to keep a keg cold and maintain the perfect serving temperature.

How to Keep a Keg Cold

The most popular way to keep a keg cold is to use a kegerator. You may ask, “what is a kegerator?” A kegerator is a small refrigerator specifically designed to store and dispense beer. It helps keep a keg in a cold environment and uses Carbon dioxide to pressurize and dispense beer.

To use a kegerator, you will need two lines, one for CO2 and the other for beer. A gas line connects to the carbon dioxide regulator and the tank. The connection is done using a device called a coupler. The beer line connects to the keg and delivers beer to a faucet, where you will dispense your cold beer without hassle.

How to Keep a Keg Cold Without a Kegerator

Although a kegerator is a great way to keep a keg cold and serve beer, it may only be affordable to some. The device can also be expensive to maintain as it uses electricity and requires regular maintenance. Kegerator also has a CO2 tank that requires regular replenishment, further increasing the cost.

Therefore, as a beer enthusiast, learning other ways of keeping a keg cold can help out. That way, you will continue enjoying quality and refreshing beer. Here are some of the ways to ensure your keg remains cold: 

Using a Bucket of Ice

Using a bucket of ice is probably the cheapest way to keep your keg cold. This is because the only thing you need is a bucket and ice. Infact, you already have a bucket in the house. You only need to buy ice cubes.

To keep the keg cool using this method, put ice in a bucket, and add small amount of water. Leave enough space in your bucket to avoid splashing water when placing the keg. Connect a pressure regulator and beer lines to the keg. You can also fit a picnic faucet directly into the keg.

Next, place the keg inside the bucket and pack more ice until the keg is fully submerged. Wait for 4-5 hours before taping your beer. 

Keep a keg cold


  • Using a bucket of ice is relatively inexpensive compared to buying a kegerator and other refrigeration equipment. You only need an ideal bucket for the keg and ice cubes.
  • The materials for setting up this equipment are readily available. You can purchase them at hardware,  DIY stores, or Home Depot.
  • The setup is portable and easy to move around. This makes it ideal for people who want to enjoy beer while on a trip.


  • The setup requires frequent monitoring to ensure the ice does not melt.
  • The setup may not consistently maintain the required temperature to keep it cold. This may affect the quality of your beer.

Using a Jokey Box

A jokey is an insulated container filled with ice water and coiled copper pipes where beer cools down before reaching the faucet. The beer must pass through the copper coils before it reaches the faucet for dispensing. A jokey box is usually fitted with a 50 to 150 feet long coil. However, it is advisable to use a longer coil to increase efficiency.

To use a jokey box, fill it with ice and water. Next, Connect your keg to the Jockey Box using the provided tubing and tap. As the beer flows through the tubing, it will be cooled by the ice water mixture in the Box. This ensures a refreshing and cold pour every time.

These boxes are available at your nearby store or online. However, you can build one from scratch if you have enough time and fancy the project. The material needed includes copper tubing, a beer tap(stainless steel), and a cooler box. You can watch tutorials on YouTube to master the process.

Keep a keg cold


  • Jokey Box is portable, making it easy to transport to different locations for parties and other social gatherings.
  • It can keep beer at a constant cold temperature, maintaining the quality and taste of your beer.
  • Jockey boxes are relatively easy to set up and use and do not require any electricity or complicated machinery.
  • They can be used with various keg sizes and types of beer.


  • Jokey Box requires a constant supply of ice to keep the beer cold. This can be inconvenient and require frequent refilling.
  • The beer lines and taps can be difficult to clean and maintain. This can lead to contamination and off-flavors in the beer.

Keg Jackets or Sleeves

A keg sleeve is an insulated jacket that helps keep your keg cool by limiting exposure to higher temperatures. It is typically made of polypropylene or vinyl. These jackets are designed to fit snugly around beer kegs, so there is no need to add ice.

However, other keg jackets contain pockets that you can fill with ice for extra cooling, especially if traveling for long. The keg jacket also features a hole at the top to accommodate a beer pump. The beer pump helps you pour beer easily into your glass.


  • They are easy to install and remove. This makes it easy to move the keg from one location to another.
  • Keg jackets are durable since they are made of materials that can withstand wear and tear. This helps reduce repair costs and can be reused over time.
  • Some keg jackets or sleeves come with customizable designs. This can be a fun way to showcase your brand or personalize your kegs.


  • They have limited temperature control.  Meaning they may be unable to cool beer down to a specific temperature if the keg is already warm.
  • They offer limited space. In most cases, keg jackets only fit certain sizes or types of kegs, limiting their versatility.

Tips to Help Keep Your Keg Cool

Whether you choose to keep your keg cool using a kegerator, a jacket, or a Jokey Box, there are other tips that can help ensure your keg is cold for long time. Here are some of the tips:

  • Keep Your Keg in the Shade: This is a natural way of keeping your keg cold. Ensure you keep the keg in the shade when outside and don’t have an equipment to keep it cold.
  • Store your Keg in a cool dark place: Always store your keg in a cool and dark place if you can’t afford a refrigerator or a cooler. Avoid direct sunlight, which can quickly warm the keg and interfere with your beer’s flavor. A garage or basement might work well.
  • Add salt to the ice water: This seems awkward right? You can add salt to the ice water, especially when using an ice bucket to cool your keg. Adding salt to the ice water further lowers its temperature, making the keg cold.
  • Store your keg in a refrigerator: You can also put it in a refrigerator and let it stay overnight if you are holding a party, wedding, or barbecue the following day. This will help keep it cold for a longer time. However, you should avoid keeping it in a chest freezer because it is too cold.
Keep a keg cold

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Cheapest Way to Keep a Keg Cold?

The cheapest way to keep a keg cold without a kegerator is by using a plastic tube or a bucket of ice. All you need to do is add ice to the bucket and put your keg inside. This will help keep it cold for an extended time. Always ensure the keg is submerged in the ice water for proper cooling.

Is a Keg Ruined if It Gets Warm?

Yes, if you subject a keg to higher temperatures, it may ruin your beer. If the temperature rises to 55 degrees Fahrenheit, bacteria may start to grow and spoil your beer. Temperature higher than that can also cause excessive foam, resulting in a stale beer.

Can You Put a Keg in the Fridge?

Yes, you can put a keg in a fridge to preserve freshness and flavor. You only need to maintain a temperature between 36 to 38 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature range will help preserve the taste and quality of your beer.


Having a cold keg is essential to maintaining the quality and taste of the beer. It can be achieved by using a kegerator, a jockey box, or an ice bucket. Whatever method you choose,  ensure to keep the keg at a consistent temperature between 36-38°F to provide the best drinking experience.