How to Fix Flat Beer Perfectly: Save Your Brew!

Flat beer can ruin a perfect evening, but don’t worry – you can fix it! Understanding why beer goes flat and knowing a few handy tricks can bring your beer back to life. In this guide, we’ll show you how to fix flat beer and keep it fresh and bubbly.

How to Fix Flat Beer

The best and easiest way to fix flat beer is to increase the pressure and the temperature. Increasing the pressure helps by forcing more carbon dioxide into the beer, which restores its fizz and effervescence. Using a CO2 cartridge or a SodaStream can quickly add the needed carbonation to revive your beer.

Adjusting the temperature also plays a crucial role. Warmer temperatures can encourage the dissolved CO2 to come out of the solution more easily, making it easier to re-carbonate the beer. However, be careful not to overheat, as this can negatively affect the beer’s flavor. Aim for a moderate increase to strike the perfect balance.

However, you should understand that not all flat beers can be revived. Some may have lost too much carbonation or been exposed to excessive oxygen and contaminants, making them difficult to fix. Keeping your beer free from these elements is crucial to maintaining its taste, quality, and carbonation.

How to fix flat beer

What Is Flat Beer and What Causes It?

Flat beer is a beer that has lost its carbonation, resulting in a lack of bubbles and fizz. The loss of carbonation leads to a dull taste and an absence of the refreshing quality that makes beer enjoyable. Such a beer can leave you disappointed, as it lacks the expected crisp and lively experience.

The following are some of the things that can make your beer become flat:

  • Improper Storage: Storing beer at the wrong temperature can cause it to lose carbonation and go flat.
  • Exposure to Air: Oxygen can seep into the beer, reducing its fizz and causing it to taste stale.
  • Old Beer: Over time, beer naturally loses its carbonation, especially if it’s past its expiration date.
  • Light Exposure: Light, especially UV light, can break down compounds in beer, leading to flatness and off-flavors.
  • Poor Sealing: Bottles or cans that aren’t sealed properly allow carbonation to escape, making the beer to be flat.
  • Temperature Fluctuations: Rapid temperature changes can cause beer to lose its carbonation more quickly.
  • Faulty Keg Systems: Inadequate maintenance of taps and lines in keg systems can lead to flat beer being dispensed.
  • Dead Yeast: If the yeast is killed off during brewing, it can’t produce the CO2 needed for carbonation.
  • Insufficient Priming Sugar: Adding too little priming sugar during bottling results in inadequate carbonation.

How to Revive Flat Beer

Flat beer can be disappointing, but there are several methods to bring back its carbonation and flavor. Here are some effective ways to revive your beer:

  • Use a CO2 Cartridge: Insert a CO2 cartridge into the bottle to quickly re-carbonate the beer and restore its fizz.
  • SodaStream Method: Carefully use a SodaStream to add carbonation back into the beer, ensuring you don’t over-carbonate.
  • Add Priming Sugar: For homebrewers, add a small amount of priming sugar before sealing to promote natural carbonation.
  • Mix with Fresh Beer: Pour in a splash of freshly carbonated beer to boost the carbonation.
  • Add dry Ice: Carefully adding a small piece of dry ice can re-carbonate beer, but this method requires caution to avoid over-carbonation.
  • Use Beer Enhancers: Use beer enhancers or carbonation tablets specifically designed to improve the fizz and flavor of the beer.

How to Prevent Your Beer From Becoming Flat

Besides reviving, there are various ways that can help ensure it does not become flat. Here are some of the proven ways:

  • Keep it Cold: Store the beer at the proper cold temperature (between 36-40 degrees Fahrenheit) to maintain its natural carbonation levels.
  • Seal Tightly: Make sure bottles and cans are sealed tightly to prevent CO2 from escaping.
  • Rotate Stock: If you store beer at home, follow the “first in, first out” principle. Use the oldest stock first to ensure that you consume beer before it goes flat.
  • Avoid Over-Stocking: Only buy as much beer as you can reasonably consume before it expires. This prevents beer from sitting too long and losing its carbonation.
  • Maintain Cleanliness: Regularly clean all brewing and serving equipment to avoid contamination, which can affect carbonation.
  • Check Expiration Date: Check the expiration date before consuming; old beer is more likely to be flat and less enjoyable.
 flat beers

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Know if a Beer Has Become Flat?

You can tell if a beer has become flat if it lacks foam when poured, has few or no bubbles rising to the surface, and tastes dull or stale. The beer may also have a reduced or completely absent fizzy sensation when you drink it.

What Does Sunlight Do to Beer?

Sunlight causes beer to become “light-struck” or “skunky,” resulting in unpleasant smells and tastes. UV rays from sunlight react with hop compounds in the beer, producing sulfur compounds. To prevent this, store beer in a cool, dark place away from light.

How Do You Reduce Fizz in Beer?

To reduce fizz in beer, pour it into a wide-mouthed glass, allowing more carbonation to escape. Let the beer sit for a few minutes before drinking. Alternatively, stir the beer gently with a spoon to release excess carbonation quickly.


Fixing a beer that has become flat is the first step to enjoying your drink to the fullest. Ensure cleanliness, check expiration dates, and store beer properly. For quick fixes, use carbonation tools or mix with a carbonated beverage. Preventing beer from becoming flat guarantees a fresh and satisfying beer experience every time.