Best Non Alcoholic Beer for Milk Production: Proven Choices

We understand the pain lactating mothers undergo to ensure enough milk for newborns. Therefore, we have decided to explore all the possible techniques mothers can apply to ensure the newborn receives enough breast milk. One of the techniques is to drink a non-alcoholic beer. So, what is the best non alcoholic beer for milk production, and what should lactating mothers look for before consuming such a beer?

Best Non Alcoholic Beer for Milk Production

The overall best non-alcoholic beer for milk production is St. Pauli Non-Alcoholic Malt Beverage. This full-bodied pale lager is brewed in Germany by the St. Pauli company. The beer is known for its light color, reduced calories (90), pleasant hop aroma, balanced malt flavor and clean finish.

St. Pauli Non-Alcoholic Malt Beverage also incorporates galactagogue-rich ingredients such as oats and barley. This makes it a perfect drink for lactating individuals seeking a delicious and supportive beverage. It’s found in speciality stores and online. The beer pairs exceptionally well with hearty dishes like grilled meats and pasta.

There are other great non-alcoholic beers which can enhance milk production that will be talked about later in the article. So, read on to find one that suits your taste. That said, it is advisable to consult with a medical doctor to avoid messing up during drinking.  

How Non Alcoholic Beer Enhance Milk Production

Before we check the popular beers that help lactating mothers produce more milk, let us understand how these beers help in milk production. Well, beer has been there since time immemorial, and each day brewers are coming up with new techniques to ensure people enjoy it maximally. 

One of the best things brewers did is to come up with alcohol-free beer. This beer has many benefits, including milk production in nursing mothers. So, how does alcohol-free beer enhance milk production? Well, beer is produced using ingredients such as hops, yeast, water, and malted barley.

These ingredients are the powerhouse of milk production. For instance, hops and barley contain a compound called polysaccharide, which potentially stimulates prolactin production, a hormone involved in milk production. The water in beer also ensures that lactating mothers stay hydrated, increasing milk production. 

Other Popular Non-Alcoholic Beers for Milk Production

There are many non alcoholic beers in the market that enhance milk production. Therefore, it is vital to understand which one is good for you. The following are some of the best beers for breastfeeding:

Heineken 0.0

Best Non Alcoholic Beer for Milk Production

Heineken 0.0 is one of the most popular beers in the US and other parts of the world for a good reason. It is a product of the Heineken company that was launched in 2017 as a commitment to providing beer lovers with alcohol-free beer. 

The beer contains less than 0.03%ABV and 96 calories per 330ml, making it an excellent choice for health-conscious people. Heineken 0.0 is brewed using unique yeast and hops, which help maintain its flavor and taste. It has a malty aroma, with hints of fruits and a hop character that will leave you wanting more. 

The beer has a sweet taste that is well-balanced with hops. This balanced sweetness makes it an ideal choice for lactating mothers who don’t want something too bitter. Heineken 0.0 pairs well with fish, oats, amaranth, grilled meat and brown rice. You can purchase it in any supermarket worldwide, liquor store or online stores.

  • ABV: 0.03%
  • Taste: balanced sweet taste.
  • Food pairing: brown rice, amaranth, grilled meat, oats, and fish
  • Where found: Bars, restaurants, online stores and supermarkets

Erdinger Alkoholfrei

Erdinger Alkoholfrei is an alcohol-free beer (0.04% ABV) produced in Germany by Erdinger Weissbräu, based in Bavaria. It is a full-bodied beer brewed according to the Bavarian Purity Law. Brewing according to Bavarian Purity Law, means that the beer is brewed using traditional ingredients such as water, hops, barley, and yeast to ensure quality.

Best Non Alcoholic Beer for Milk Production

One good thing about Erdinger Alkoholfrei is that it contains less sugar and has vitamins B9 and B12, which are essential to the body. The reduced sugar is ideal for health-conscious people, while the vitamins help boost the immune system. 

This beer also has an excellent and well-rounded mouthfeel, allowing nursing mothers enjoy it without problems. It pairs well with fish, chicken, tofu, and oats. The beer is popular, meaning you can find it easily in supermarkets, bars, restaurants, and online stores. 

  • ABV: 0.04%
  • Taste: sweet and a well-rounded mouthfeel
  • Food pairing: Oats, fish, chicken, and tofu
  • Where found: Bars, restaurants, supermarkets, and online stores

Bitburger Drive 0.0

Bitburger is another German beer with zero traces of alcohol, making it perfect for nursing mothers. The beer is brewed using natural ingredients, such as yeast, water, and hops, to enhance quality and eliminate the pasteurization process. Bitburger is a lager beer with a crisp, fresh taste, allowing you to enjoy to the fullest.

If you are looking for an alcohol-free beer with lower calories, then this beer will definitely suit your taste. The beer has 73 calories per 300ml bottle, light carbonation. It also has a medium body that leaves beer enthusiasts and nursing mothers wanting more.

The beer is available in liquor stores, supermarkets, restaurants, and online stores. It pairs well with foods such as grilled meat, fish, burger, oats, and brown rice. Therefore, if you are a lactating mother and want something to boost milk production, then this beer will significantly help.

Best Non Alcoholic Beer for Milk Production
  • ABV: 0.0%
  • Taste: Sweet, roasty aromas coalesce with honey
  • Food pairing: burger, oats, fish, grilled meat, and brown rice
  • Where found: Restaurants, bars, online stores and supermarkets

Bravus Oatmeal Dark

Are you a nursing mother and a fan of stout beers? If yes, then Bravus Oatmeal Dark will be your beer during the lactating period. Bravus Oatmeal Dark is an alcohol-free stout beer brewed by  Bravus Brewing Company in Santa Ana, CA. The beer has a hint of chocolate, roasted coffee, and caramel, making it ideal for people who love these flavors.

Bravus Oatmeal Dark has fewer calories of 110 and 25g carbs, making it ideal for people keen on their health. It also pairs well with other foods that help produce milk, such as grilled meat, fish, cheese, and BBQ dishes. The beer can be purchased at a local liquor store, restaurant, bar, or online.

  • ABV: 0.5%
  • Taste: Aroma of wort malt with a hint of roasted coffee
  • Food pairing: grilled meat, fish, cheese, and BBQ dishes
  • Where found: Restaurants, bars, supermarkets, and online stores

Guinness 0.0

Best Non Alcoholic Beer for Milk Production

If you love Guinness but want something that will not intoxicate you, then you need to consume Guinness 0.0. It is a perfect drink for nursing mothers as it is brewed using natural ingredients (Yeast, hops, water, and malted barley), which are ideal for milk production.

This alcohol-free beer undergoes the same brewing process as that of normal (alcoholic Guinness). However, after brewing the beer, the alcohol content is removed using filtration. This process helps protect its integrity and character. It means that the taste of normal Guinness beer will remain, as the alcohol content will be reduced to 0.0% ABV.

Guinness 0.0 has 17 calories and 3.8g carbs per 100ml, making it one of the healthiest beers on our list. This beer can pair well with foods such as grilled meat, burger, fish, and chicken. Pairing Guinness 0.0 with these foods is an excellent idea since they also help in milk production. You can find this beer in liquor stores, online, or in bars.

  • ABV: 0.03%
  • Taste: Notes of chocolate, coffee, and a hint of bitterness
  • Food pairing: Burger, fish, chicken, and grilled meat
  • Where found: Liquor stores, bars, restaurants, and supermarkets

Clausthaler Original

Clausthaler Original is another German alcohol-free beer that has dominated the market for a good reason. It is a blonde alcohol-free beer with a fresh and sweet taste. It produces a slight bitterness plus a point of acidity accompanied by softness.

The beer has 108 calories, 0.45% ABV, and 5.6 carbs, making it ideal for people who are health conscious. Due to its market dominance, Clausthaler Original has won several awards at national and international levels. 

Like others on the list, this beer pairs well with grilled meat, chicken, and oats. The beer can be purchased at a local liquor store, restaurant, supermarket, or online stores. 

Best Non Alcoholic Beer for Milk Production
  • ABV: 0.45%
  • Taste: Fresh and sweet taste
  • Food pairing: Grilled meat, chicken, oats, and amaranth
  • Where found: Restaurants, liquor stores, supermarkets, and online stores.

Factors to Consider  Before Choosing Non Alcoholic Beer for Milk Production?

Alcohol-free beers play a vital role in milk production. However, lactating mothers should be very cautious whenever they want to consume such a beer. So, what are the things to look at before consuming non alcoholic beers?

  • Ingredients: Ingredient is the backbone of every beer. It is what determines how your beer has been brewed. Make sure you check and certify that the ingredients may not bring problems to you and the baby. Some of the harmful substances that may be harmful to the baby include caffeine and artificial additives.
  • Alcohol Content of the beer: Even though the beer has been labeled “non-alcoholic,” it may still contain traces of alcohol. For instance,  Bravus Oatmeal Dark has an alcohol content of 0.5% ABV. So drink one with less alcohol or without alcohol at all.
  • Nutritional value: You need to consume beer that has nutritional value to help boost the immune system. For instance, Erdinger Alkoholfrei is an excellent beer since it contains vitamins B9 and B12, essential in boosting the immune system.
  • Allergens: It is essential to verify that the non-alcoholic beer contains no ingredients you or the baby may be allergic to, such as gluten or certain grains.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Alcohol Is in St. Pauli Non-alcoholic Malt Beverage?

St. Pauli Non-alcoholic Malt Beverage contains 0.5% ABV. This ABV is unlikely to impact lactating mothers, as it falls within the acceptable range for non-alcoholic beverages. However, it’s crucial for lactating mothers to consume it responsibly and adhere to recommended limits. This ensures the well-being of both mother and child during the breastfeeding period.

What Happens if You Drink Beer With Higher ABV When Lactating?

Drinking beer above a moderate level when breastfeeding can adversely affect the infant. Higher alcohol content in breast milk may lead to developmental issues and sleep disturbances. It is essential for lactating individuals to choose beverages with low or no alcohol content to ensure the infant’s well-being.

How Long Do You Have to Wait to Breastfeed After Drinking One Beer?

You need to wait at least TWO HOURS after having your non-alcoholic beer before breastfeeding. This ensures that any residual alcohol is metabolized, minimizing its presence in breast milk. It’s crucial to drink moderately and consider the timing to prioritize the infant’s safety.


Having enough milk for breastfeeding is the joy of every mother. Therefore, it is essential to consume foods and drinks that will help you have enough milk for the baby. Remember to drink responsibly and eat other healthy foods that help boost milk production. Some of these foods include oats, fish, chicken, and meat.