About Us

Welcome to Beer Arsenal: Where Brewing is Made Easy!

Welcome to Beer Arsenal, where the passion for beer meets the art of storytelling! Founded by the visionary beer enthusiast John, our team is dedicated to curating, crafting, and sharing the diverse and fascinating world of beer.

At the heart of our endeavor are three individuals driven by a collective love for this ancient and ever-evolving beverage.

Meet Our Team

Calvin Jamnazy Ochieng (Founder and Head Brewer): With an unwavering dedication to the craft, Calvin is the driving force behind our vision. His extensive expertise and palate for beer have propelled him to pioneer the mission of this platform. With a knack for innovation, Calvin introduces unique brews, explores emerging trends, and sets the tone for the entire team.

Lyne Achieng Ochieng (Content Creator and Editor): Lyne is the meticulous wordsmith behind the engaging articles and stories you’ll find here. Her passion for both beer and the written word ensures that every piece is not just informative but also a pleasure to read. She meticulously crafts and edits our content, making sure it’s both informative and enjoyable.

Michael Mark Ouma(Community Manager and Taster): Michael’s enthusiasm for engaging with the beer community is unmatched. He not only manages our social channels but also brings a unique perspective as a seasoned beer taster. His insights and interactions with the audience keep the conversations flowing and the community vibrant.

Our Principles

At Beer Arsenal, we are are guided by principles that reflect our commitment to providing high value content and promoting responsible drinking. We also work tirelessly to provide accurate and informative content, plus creating a welcoming and inclusive community for beer lovers. Here is what we do:

  • Accuracy: We are dedicated to providing reliable and up-to-date information about beer, from brewing processes to tasting notes, ensuring our readers make informed choices.
  • Education: Our mission is to educate beer enthusiasts, offering articles, guides, and resources that deepen your understanding of the world of beer.
  • Information: Explore a vast database of beer styles, brands, and history, crafted to satisfy your thirst for knowledge and to help you discover new brews.
  • Inclusivity: We celebrate the diverse and inclusive beer culture, embracing all backgrounds, preferences, and experiences within the vibrant world of beer.

Our Mission

At Beer Arsenal, we strive to be the go-to resource for both beginners and seasoned beer enthusiasts. Our mission is simple yet profound: to bridge the gap between those just starting their beer journey and those who are well-traveled in the realm of hops, malt, and yeast.

We aim to achieve this by providing a rich tapestry of content. From beginner’s guides and beer 101 to in-depth brewery profiles, beer style explorations, and expert reviews, we cater to everyone’s thirst for beer knowledge.

Our commitment goes beyond just information; we aim to create a welcoming space where individuals can share their experiences. We also ensure beer lovers learn from each other, and most importantly, revel in the joy of discovering new brews.

Whether you are  savoring your first ale or you’re an aficionado seeking the next craft sensation, Beer Arsenal is here to make your beer journey delightful, insightful, and, above all, enjoyable. Cheers to exploring the world of beer together!

What is wort in beer